VETERINARY VERSION Enraf Nonius Tecarpuls VM Tecar Therapy Unit
Manufactured by Enraf Nonius - European Manufacturers
The TECARPULS VM is a device for DEEP HEAT THERAPY. The Tecarpuls VM generates this deep heat by means of electromagnetic energy. Deep heat stimulates the healing process and shortens the rehabilitation time. The Tecarpuls has documented effects on deeper structures (1).
Applying heat with the Tecarpuls VM is very easy. With the treatment head on one side and an earth electrode on the other side, the tissue in between these electrodes becomes a capacitor. The patient’s body is an electrical conductor, full of salty fluids. Like any conductor, the body has a capacitance, meaning that it stores electrical energy. Since the treatment head of the Tecarpuls has a non-conductive ceramic cover, this electrical energy will be stored deep in the tissue, not just superficially near the treatment head. Tecarpuls therapy is therefore also known as DEEP HEAT THERAPY
The amount of heating depends on the tissue (dielectric) properties, especially the permittivity. Permittivity is the ability of tissue to store electrical energy in an electric field. Especially muscle, cartilage and blood have a high permittivity making them very well suited for Tecarpuls treatment. (2) The Tecarpuls VM generates the electromagnetic energy at a frequency of 500khz / wavelength of 600 m. This frequency is ideal for deep heating.
The Tecarpuls VM is very safe to use.
Increase of the temperature of the tissue will contribute to
· Increased cellular metabolism (healing)
· Increased circulation
· Increased elasticity
· Reduces edema / swelling
· Reduces pain
This makes the Tecarpuls VM a great tool for treatment of acute and chronic injuries. It can be used for lameness, stiffness or pain in muscles, tendons, ligaments and for treatment of joint problems.
Known good effects of Tecarpuls use in veterinary treatments are (1)
1. Superficial Digital Flexor Tendinopathy
2. Deep Digital Flexor Tendinopathy
3. DDFT Accessory ligament Desmitis (inferior check ligament)
4. Tenosynovitis (digital sheath dysfunction)
5. Ostheoarthritis / Bone Spavin
6. Tendinopathy /Bowed Tendon
7. Partial Rupture Muscle / Ligament
8. Sacro-Iliac Joint Syndrome / low back pain
9. Arthritis
10. Oedema / Haematoma
11. Myalgia / Myopathy
12. Muscle Strain
13. Ischemia
14. Hoof problems
For the animals this treatment is very nice and gentle. They experience the stroking of the treatment head and a comfortable deep heat.
For the veterinary clinician the treatment is easy to conduct. Pre-programmed veterinarian protocols provide you with optimal settings for treatment. Additionally, with a power control button on the treatment head, you are always in control.
Tecarpuls VM for deep heat therapy. Getting your patients better, faster!
Great tool
Increase of the temperature of the tissue will contribute to
• Increased cellular metabolism (healing)
• Increased circulation
• Increased elasticity
• Reduces edema / swelling
• Reduces pain
This makes the Tecarpuls a great tool for treatment of acute and chronic injuries. It can be used for lameness, stiffness or pain in muscles, tendons, ligaments and for treatment of joint problems