Enraf Nonius Endolaser HP

Coming Soon! Early 2024!

Fantastic price on the new Endolaser HP by Enraf Nonius


Having years of experience with laser therapy (Endolaser 120 and Endolaser 422), Enraf-Nonius now completes its product portfolio with a very powerful device that delivers high-energy light therapy. The High Power laser device provides the power needed to reach deep tissues. The increased power directly impacts the time needed to apply a therapeutic dose of light energy, allowing you to decrease the time required to treat effectively. The higher power enables you to treat deeper and faster while covering more tissue area in less time. In this way you can use laser therapy as part of an overall plan of care and maximize the time available to treat.


Therapeutic success with the speed of light

A thermal (infrared) sensor is integrated in the laser applicator. It provides accurate skin temperature measurement during the therapy. In this way it enhances therapeutic effectiveness and it will highly increase safety as it will avoid risks of side effects (skin burns).

3 Wavelengths are incorporated in this one unit: 810, 980, 1064 nm.

This guarantees optimal penetration and absorption and enables simultaneous stimulation of different target sites (depths): superficial, medium, deep.

The 25 Watt powerful Endolaser HP is equipped with the most modern technology, Enraf-Nonius offers an easy-to-use device that is technically outstanding, reliable and affordable.


Please go to our 'Download' section and download the official Therapy book


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